
LIVE STREAMING | 06 - 09 APRIL, 2021

The Columbia China Business Conference (CCBC), organized and sponsored by the Greater China Society of Columbia Business School (GCS), is one of the most influential China-related business conferences in North America. The conference was established in 2008 with a vision to enhance our participants’ understanding of China’s rapidly evolving business and economic environment, as well as to provide a platform for dialogue on key opportunities and challenges associated with doing business with and in China.
The 13th Annual Columbia China Business Conference will be held in April 2021. The conference will focus on discussing the challenges and solutions regarding the current state of China and the rest of the world to explore the uncharted waters of different industries. The conference will feature keynote speeches and panel discussions which span the spectrum of relevant industries including finance, tech, retail, and many more.


DAY 01 - April 6th, 2021
DAY 02 - April 7th, 2021
DAY 03 - April 8th, 2021
DAY 04 - April 9th, 2021
*Speakers and panels subject to change
8:00 - 8:15 pm ET
Opening Remarks
Dean Costis Maglaras will deliver opening remarks to welcome our audiences and distinguished speakers
Dean Magaras, Dean, Columbia Business School
8:30 - 10:00 am ET
Outlook: China's Healthcare Industry
The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn unprecedented attention to the healthcare industry. As the world's second largest market, China’s healthcare industry is developing at an accelerating pace in this historical moment. From foundational research breakthrough to ever-expanding service applications, from investment to entrepreneurship, from traditional service formats to digital health - where are the key growth opportunities and challenges?
Yusheng Han, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Burning Rock
Roberta Lipson, Founder, United Family Healthcare; Chief Executive Officer, New Frontier Health
James Zhao, Founding Partner, LYFE Capital
8:30 - 10:00 am ET
The Tech Innovation in China
Digitization, platform economies, and artificial intelligence have induced structural changes to a wide range of sectors across the globe. Technology is more than a standalone industry, but rather, it has become the innovation engine of all traditional industriesevolutions. As a defining leading force, China’s technology sector is at a historical juncture of enormous potential and intense competition. What are the bottlenecks, risks, and exciting trends facing the Chinese technology companies? How should regulatory reform and talent development cater for this giant wave of transformation?
Zexiang Li, Professor, Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, HKUST; Founder, Automation Technology Center & Robotics Institute, HKUST;
Chairman, Googol Technology; Chairman, DJI
Howard C. Yang, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Montage Technology
Ya-Qin Zhang, Chair Professor of AI Science, Tsinghua University, Former President, Baidu Inc; Former Chairman, Microsoft China
Alex Zhou, Partner, Qiming Venture Partners
8:20 - 9:30 pm ET
Fireside Chat — Outlook: Globalization and China
With the continued development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, the world is evolving into the “second half” of the pandemic era. Countries are collaborating and clashing as we rebuild towards prosperity. How will the globalization be evolved in this new reality? What are some of the key areas of contention and collaboration? How would this arguably most important geopolitical relationship influence the progress of globalization in the coming decades?
Joseph Stiglitz, Professor, Columbia University Laureate; Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
Yingyi Qian, Professor & Former Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
9:00- 10:30 pm ET
30 Years of China's Capital Market: The History and Future
Since the establishment of Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1990, in a 30-year long journey, China has unveiled the second largest capital market with the largest number of participants globally. Looking back, from its exciting inception to a period of rapid growth, and to the current stage of institutionalization, what are the unique attributes, key challenges, and developmental areas of this fast-growing market? Looking into the future, what are the next reform milestones that China needs? What are the potential opportunities and challenges?
Xiqing Gao, Hongtian Chair Professor, School of Law, University of International Business & Economics; Former President and Chief Investment Officer, China Investment Corporation
Fred Hu, Founder and Chairman, Primavera Capital Group; Former Chairman of Greater China and Partner, Goldman Sachs
Merit E. Janow, Dean, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
Wei Chirstianson Sun, Managing Director, Co-CEO of Asia Pacific and CEO of China, Morgan Stanley
Boming Wang, President, Stock Exchange Executive Council (“SEEC”); Editor in Chief, Caijing Magazine
8:00 - 9:00 pm ET
Fireside Chat – The Wu Forum: Wan Ling Martello and Lulu C. Wang
What are the key success factors of mastering women’s leadership in the workplace? What are the important lessons for multinational corporations to thrive in the Chinese market? In the new US-China reality, how do cross-border companies effectively grow and thrive?
Wan Ling Martello, Co-Founder and Partner, BayPine; Former EVP, Nestlé
Lulu Chow Wang, Chief Executive Officer, Tupelo Capital Management LLC
8:30 - 10:00 pm ET
Fireside Chat – Value Investing in China
Value investing principles are widely studied by market participants and academia, however, their practical application has long been intriguingly challenging. Home to value investing, Columbia Business School is at the frontier of value investing theoretical development and practical experimentation. Over the past decades, Columbia has produced generations of important thinkers and practitioners who advanced the value investing theory and philosophy. In an ever-changing and uncertain world, what are the potential advancements and unwavering fundamentals of value investing? How should practitioners realize value investing in China?
Li Lu, Founder and Chairman, Himalaya Capital
Bruce C. N. Greenwald, Founding Director, Heilbrunn Center for Graham and Dodd Investing at Columbia Business School; Professor, Columbia Business School
9:00- 10:30 pm ET
Capturing Growth in China: The New Consumers
The rise of new generations of consumers and innovation driven by new platforms and data analytics has brought about new business models and brand strategies in the Chinese retail sector. In China’s exciting and evolving consumer market, norms are constantly being challenged. What are the key trends of growth and disruption that every brand should watch out for? How should brands reap the benefits of these new opportunities?
Joann Cheng, Chairwoman, Fosun Fashion Group; Vice President and Global Partner, Fosun Group
Judy Liu, Global Executive Board Member, Farfetch; President, Farfetch China
Xiaolu Liu, Founder, NEIWAI